Calling All CMPs!

Posted By: Donna Oser, CAE Announcements, Blog, Industry,

Are you a Certified Meetings Professional or interested in becoming one? If so, we have some exciting news for you! MSAE and the MPI-Michigan Chapter are pleased to announce that we are partnering to offer a comprehensive course to help individuals prepare for the CMP exam.

About the CMP

The Certified Meetings Professional (CMP) designation is the foremost certification of the meetings, conventions, and exhibitions industry. Recognized globally, the CMP designation is designed to enhance the knowledge and performance of meeting professionals, thereby improving the industry as a whole. To become a CMP, candidates must pass a rigorous exam that covers a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, project management, logistics, and financial management.

About the Course

Our course will provide candidates with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to pass the CMP exam. It will cover all exam domains in-depth and provide test-taking strategies and practice questions. The course will be led by experienced meeting professionals who have successfully passed the CMP exam.

Call for Volunteers

MSAE and MPI- Michigan Chapter are currently seeking volunteers to help us audit the course curriculum and serve as instructors. If you are a CMP with experience in the meetings, conventions, and exhibitions industry, we would love to hear from you! 

  • As an auditor, you will have the opportunity to review the course material and provide feedback to ensure it is comprehensive and up-to-date. Most of this work will occur during a day-long conclave in late May. The time commitment for this role is estimated at 8-10 hours during May and June of 2023. 
  • As an instructor, you will have the opportunity to audit the course curriculum, design the instruction and ultimately share your knowledge and expertise with aspiring CMPs. The time commitment for this role is estimated at 25 hours, spread out between May-December of 2023. 

Both volunteer opportunities are excellent ways to give back to the industry, sharpen your expertise, and expand your professional network! 

If you are interested in volunteering, please indicate your interest by registering here.

We look forward to hearing from you and serving our collective industries!