Major Announcement about Annual Conference

Posted By: Donna Oser, CAE Announcements, Blog, Industry,

The Board of Directors and Staff of MSAE are thrilled to announce an exciting change regarding our annual conference:

After careful consideration and extensive feedback from our members, MSAE is moving our much-anticipated annual conference to November beginning in 2024! 

Considering All the Data Points

This decision was made after a thorough analysis of association event patterns and careful consideration of feedback from MSAE's dedicated members. Also taken into account were the changing mindsets regarding work/life balance, the evolving landscape of the hospitality industry, and the seasonal trends of potential host venues. Moving the conference to November makes it convenient for more association professionals and industry partners with busy schedules to attend while also making it feasible for more venues to host the event. 

"We understand the importance of our annual conference as a hub for knowledge exchange, professional development, and networking within the association community. This change aligns with our commitment to enhancing members' overall experience and providing a more conducive environment for networking, learning, and collaboration."

~MSAE Chair John Tramontana, CAE

Details to be Announced in January 

Specific dates for the 2024 annual conference will be announced once a venue is selected; however, it will occur before November 15, consistent with member feedback. The conference will continue with the Monday-Wednesday format. Stay tuned for further updates regarding the conference dates, agenda, speakers, and registration details. 

Thank You to Our Members

MSAE sincerely appreciates the helpful input provided by members, who played a pivotal role in this decision-making process. Member feedback is invaluable to the association, allowing us to calibrate our programming to align with their needs and expectations.

Request the RFP

Destinations and venues interested in hosting the 2024 or 2025 MSAE Annual Conferences may request a copy of the Request for Proposals by emailing