The Big Impact of Sharing



There are conference sessions - and then there are experiences that leave you inspired or frustrated or intrigued because you've been exposed to a new contact or insight. Such experiences have a longer shelf life than people realize, and their impact reaches far beyond the time allotted in the conference program.

As a session participant, you reflect on what you heard in light of your own organization as you return home from the event. After a week, you discuss it with a key team member over coffee. And so it goes - months later, a new service is launched or approach taken. The outcome may or may not look like that original insight that you picked up in the session - but, over time, with pressure and some movement, that grain of sand became a pearl. 

And that's the point. Your experiences and perspectives are invaluable to your association colleagues. Sharing those kernels could make a difference for them and most certainly broadens and deepens your professional impact. MSAE's Call for Conference Presentations is open through 5 PM Thursday, June 24 - now is the time to share your 'pearls' with the association community.  We can't wait to learn from you!