MSAE Joins the Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition

Posted By: Donna Oser, CAE Announcements, Blog, Industry,

The Michigan Society of Association Executives has joined the Tomorrow's Workforce Coalition. The mission of the coalition is one that resonates with many MSAE members:

  • To build support in Congress for workforce development policy that would support all economic sectors, and
  • To increase awareness among policymakers, media, and other stakeholders about how postsecondary credentials benefit workers, consumers, industries, professions, and employers across the economy.

The coalition seeks passage of the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow's Workforce Act (S. 722 / H.R. 1477). The bipartisan legislation would expand qualified expenses under 529 savings plans to include postsecondary training and credentialing programs, such as licenses and non-governmental certifications, and it would provide valuable tax-advantaged resources to more workers pursuing career growth, mid-career changes, or alternative career pathways. 

Associations are America's leading certification providers and, as a community, constitute the nation's largest source of post-college education and skills training. If credentialing, skills training, or expertise are important to your sector, organization, or stakeholders, MSAE encourages you to consider joining the coalition. Details are available here.